Первый полноценный реперториум Бённингаузена

Целью деятельности Ганеманновского центра является всестороннее исследование и полноценная реконструкция терапевтического метода Самуила Ганеманна.

Первый полноценный реперториум Бённингаузена

Сообщение Борис » Пн сен 17, 2012 6:56 pm

"Юбилейные" и сопутствующие материалы к 180-летию издания первого полноценного реперториума Бённингаузена предоставлены для размещения на форуме руководителем Ганеманновского исследовательского центра Ивановым-Вызго Даниилом Алексеевичем, далее от его лица:

"К 200-летию первого полноценного реперториума, про который Ганеманн в Органоне упоминатет так: "Барон Бённингаузен стяжал большую заслугу перед гомеопатией своим Реперториумом". Этот Реперториум вышел первым изданием в Мюнстере (где и жил Бённингаузен) в 1832 году.

Прилагаю титульный лист этого издания (обнаруженного мной в библиотеке Мичиганского университета) и первую страницу содержащегося в нем предисловия Ганеманна "О повторной дозе гомеопатического лекарства", написанного в мае 1832 г. и с Дополненением от 21 августа 1832 г.

Изображение Изображение

Это достаточно малоизвестный для исследователей текст, потому что обычно все опираются на предисловие Ганеманна ко второму изданию того же реперториума, вышедшего год спустя, в 1833. Его у нас тоже не очень знают, но в мире оно достаточно известно, в первую очередь благодаря английскому переводу Богера (в конце сообщения дается целиком).

Эта находка меня особенно радует тем, что предисловия Ганеманна в изданиях 1832 и 1833 гг как минимум несколько отличаются, что фиксирует эволюцию его взглядов на дозу, потенцию и частоту за такой небольшой срок. В чем именно эти отличия заключаются постараюсь разобраться в относительно близкое время.

Еще один текст Ганеманна на эту же тему - о дозе, потенции, частоте и повторном приеме - я включаю в ближайший выпуск перевода Хронических болезней - это "Предисловие о технике гомеопатии" из третьего тома Хр. б-ней. Оно отражает взгляды Ганеманна на ту же тему по состоянию на 1837 г.

Хочется еще поделиться ссылкой на анонс вышедшего в июле моего перевода статьи из "Немецкого ревматологического журнала" о первом описании ревматоидного артрита, в 1800 г. Для гомеопатов статья, на мой взгляд, интересна тем, что позволяет прояснить смысл таких нередких рубрик в наших реперториумах как "рематизм", "подагра", "ревматический", "подагрический", "артритический" (характер боли и т.п.), которые в ганеманновские времена имели несколько иной смысл (а иногда - совсем иной) чем сегодня. Эти сведения даны в разделе статьи, к-рый наз-ся "Ревма, подагра, артрит - два тысячелетия путаницы в понятиях". К сожалению, на сайте размещен только анонс http://journal.celenie.ru/index.php/h-kaiser, целиком статью можно увидеть только в печатной версии, там же на сайте написано как можно приобрести этот номер журнала (не знаю сколько он сейчас стоит, прошлый номер стоил, кажется, 130 руб.)".

Предисловие Ганеманна ко второму изданию реперториума Бённингаузена, вышедшего в 1833 году, в переводе Богера:

On the Repetition of the Homoeopathic Remedy.

In former editions of the Organon I have recommended the necessity of allowing the single undivided dose of the well-chosen homeopathic remedy always to exhaust its action before a new or the former one is again administered-an admonition which was derived from the positive experience that a larger dose of the ever so welt-chosen remedy (a retrogressive step lately re-advanced), or, what is the same thing, several small rapidly repeated doses, can seldom accomplish the utmost good in curing any, but especially chronic diseases; indeed! by such a procedure the life force does not calmly turn from the discordance of a natural disease to harmony through a similar medicinal sickness, but one large or many rapidly succeeding repetitions of a small homeopathically chosen dose tend to arouse and irritate it so violently that the reaction which ordinarily manifests itself in most instances as nothing less than salutary becomes more injurious than beneficial. Therefore, as no more helpful proceeding than the one formerly advised by me could be ascertained, the humane rule of safety, "si non juvat modo ne noceat", directed that the homeopathic physician who held the welfare of mankind his highest aim should generally let the carefully selected remedy for the disease act upon the patient in a single dose at a time, and that the smallest, allowing it to exhaust its action.
Smallest, I say, inasmuch as it is and.ever will be that no experience in the. world can tenably disprove the homoeopathic law of cure which does and will hold that the best dose of.the correctly chosen remedy for acute as well as chronic disease is always the smallest one, in one of the high potencies, a truth the priceless property of pure Homoeopathy and which separates it from Allopathy, and not much less that new eclectic sect jumbled together of homoeopathic and allopathic experiences, as long as they gnaw like a cancer at the life of the invalid, seeking to despoil it by ever-increasing doses of medicine, and will keep these debased arts at a distance from pure Homoeopathy as by an immeasurable chasm.
On the other hand, practice shows that a single one of these small doses, especially in certain mild diseases, is sufficient to accomplish almost everything that may be expected, particularly in small children or delicate and susceptible adults; however, in many, yes, in most instances of very chronic as well as highly developed diseases, often spoiled through previous unsuitable remedies and also in grave acute diseases, a single smallest dose of such a medicine, even in our highly developed power potency, can evidently not be adequate to produce the curative effects ordi¬narily expected from that medicine, inasmuch as it may indisput¬ably be necessary therefor to pathogenetically change the life force to such a degree and to thereby so intensify the curative reaction within the power of that well-chosen homoeopathic remedy, by eradicating it completely through the reaction; the best chosen remedy in these small doses given once, truly brings some relief, but not enough by far.
The careful homoeopathic physician does not venture to repeat the same dose of a similar remedy again and again, because from accurate observations he has experienced no advantage, but on the contrary oftenest, certain injury therefrom; he commonly saw an aggravation when after giving the smallest dose of the similar remedy to-day, he repeated it to-morrow and the next day; hence, when after the most accurate selection he was cer¬tain of the homoeopathicity of his medicine and desired to attain more for the sick than ordering the single dose had hitherto accomplished, he naturally hit upon the dose, and because of the above reasons it must necessarily be single; in order to fortify it, he, instead of giving one minute globule, for instance, medicated with the highest potency, administered 6-7 or 8 at once, or half an entire drop thereof; but almost without exception the result was less satisfactory than it should have been; in fact, often unfavorable or frequently very bad, an injury very difficult to correct in a patient treated thus; to take larger doses of the low potencies here gives no better result.
Experiences teach us that strengthening the single dose of the homoeopathic remedy unto forcing the desired and needful degree of pathogenetic stimulation of the life force to an effectual curative reaction in nowise fulfils the desired object, thereby life force is too suddenly attacked and violently shocked, so that there is no time for her to accommodate herself to the change by a steady, and uniform, counteraction ; therefore she tries to expel this hostile overdose of medicine by means of vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, sweat, etc.; thus the aim of the careless physician is for the greater part, or entirely, frustrated, and very little or no good towards curing the disease is thereby accomplished; but on the other hand the patient is visibly weakened, and we dare not think of again giving the smallest dose of the same remedy to the patient for a long time, lest it should act injuriously upon him.
Likewise a number of rapidly succeeding minute doses given with the same intent accumulate in the organism to a sort of overdose and with few and rare exceptions equally bad results; in such cases, in spite of the small doses the life force is unable to recuperate itself between them, oppressed, overpowered and unable to react curatively, it is forced unwillingly to passively carry the imposed, overpowering medicinal disease; a similar state of affairs is daily revealed to us by the allopathic misuse of ever-increasing massive doses of the same medicine, to the long-lasting injury of the patient. Now therefore, avoiding the false paths indicated, to attain the end more certainly than heretofore and so administer the chosen remedy, that it must, without dis¬advantage become of the greatest efficacy to the patient, and in a given case of sickness accomplish every possible inherent good, I have lately followed a new method of my own.
I know that in order to find the right mean one must be guided by the nature of the different medicines as well as the personal idiosyncrasies of the patient, and the gravity of the illness, for ex-ample, Sulph. in chronic psoric diseases in the smallest dose (Tr. Sulph. x°) can seldom be advantageously repeated in robust persons with developed psora, oftener than every seventh day, a period necessarily lengthened when using this method on weakly or susceptible patients, in whose case it may be well to give such a dose every 9-12 or 14th day, henceforth repeated thus until the medicine ceases to be useful; we then find (continuing Sulph., as an example) that in psoric diseases seldom fewer than four, often six to eight, or even ten such doses (Tr. Sulph x°) are needed for the complete annihilation of that part of the chronic disease best removable by Sulphur, provided no allopathic abuse of it has as yet occurred ; thus a newly formed (primary) itch, even when covering the whole body in persons not too debilitated can be completely cured in ten to twelve weeks (i.e., with 10-12 globules) of Tr. Sulph. x°, so that it will seldom be necessary to aid it with a couple of doses of Carbo veg. (also once a week), without the least external treatment, except a frequent change of linen and good regimen.
When, all things considered, in other chronic diseases, eight, nine or ten doses of Tr. Sulph. x° are deemed necessary, it is more advantageous to interpolate a dose of some other, next to Sulph. the most suitable homoeopathic remedy, after every three doses of the former instead of giving these in an unbroken succession, and allow it to act eight, nine, twelve or fourteen days, before beginning a series of three doses of Sulph. again; this intercurrent remedy is at best such an one as will be thought prudent to give a few times in succession at intervals of eight or fourteen days after the Sulph. treatment has been concluded.
Not infrequently the life force strives against allowing the number of doses of Sulph. at the designated intervals which are so necessary for the chronic evil, to act quietly on itself, and shows this antagonism thro* a few altho' moderate Sulph. symptoms, which she reveals during the cure of the patient; here it is some¬times advisable to give a small dose of Nux x°, which acting from eight to twelve days favorably disposes nature towards allowing the further doses of Sulph. to act gently and favorably ; in appropriate instances Pulsatilla x° is preferable.
The life force shows itself most rebellious towards allowing Sulph. to act upon it curatively, however highly indicated ; it indeed shows a visible aggravation of the chronic disease after the smallest dose of Sulph, yes ! even after smelling a globule the size of a mustard seed moistened with Tr. Sulph x°, if it has previously (even years ago) been abused allopathically in large doses ; this would be one among many of the most lamentable conditions, deplorably bequeathed us by the all too common bungling of chronic diseases by the old school and well nigh irremediable by the most skilled treatment, were not several aids available ; in such cases it is only necessary that the patient inhale once strongly from a globule the size of a mustard seed, moistened with Merc. met. x°, allowing the inhalation to act about nine days, in order to again make the life force susceptible to the beneficial influence of Sulph. (at the very least Tr. Sulph. x°) a discovery for which we are indebted to Dr. Grieszelich of Carlsruhe.
Of the other antipsoric remedies (except perhaps Phos.) fewer doses at similar intervals are necessary to attain the object of cur¬ing with the indicated remedy everything which is curable in a given case; with Sepia and Silica, when homoeopathically indi¬cated, the interval is longer and no intercurrents are necessary; Hepar s. c. x° cannot be given or inhaled at shorter intervals than fourteen or fifteen days; it is self evident that to undertake such a repetition of doses the physician must be absolutely certain of the homoeopathicity of his remedy.
In acute diseases the time of repetition of the fittingly chosen remedy regulates itself according to the more or less rapid course of the combatted illness, so that if necessary it is repeated every 24, 16, 12, 8 or even fewer hours, when the medicine unquestion¬ably helps without exhibiting new symptoms; but for the rapid and dangerous course of very acute maladies these are not suf¬ficiently active, so that in cholera, the most rapidly fatal of known diseases, with the inception of the sickness one or two drops of the diluted camphor solution must be given every five minutes, in order that rapid and certain help may be obtained, but in the more developed cholera also doses of Cuprum, Veratrum, Phosph., etc. (x°), often every two or three hours, or sometimes Arsenic, Carb. veg., etc., at like short intervals are needed.
In the treatment of the so-called typhus and other continued fevers the repetition of the demonstrably helpful remedy in the smallest dose is regulated by the above rule.
In syphilitic diseases of a pure type I ordinarily found a single dose of metallic quicksilver (x°) sufficient; yet not infrequently two or three such doses given at intervals of 6 to 8 days are necessary where even the slightest complication of psora is evident.
Homoeopathic remedies act surely and forcefully, especially in the vaporous form, by smelling and inhaling the continuous emanation from a vial containing a single dry globule saturated with a high potency; the homoeopathic physician allows the patient to inhale deeply through one nostril from the mouth of the open vial, and then, if the dose is to be somewhat stronger, to inhale more or less deeply in the same manner with the other nostril according as he may direct, returning it corked to the pocket case in order that no abuse may be committed therewith; henceforth for his curing, unless he so desires he will no longer have need of an apothecary.
One globule, 10 to 20 of which weigh a grain, moistened with the thirtieth potentized attenuation and then dried, retains its full power for this purpose undiminished for at least 18 to 20 years (thus far my experience goes) if protected from heat and sunlight, even should the vial have been opened as many as a thou¬sand times in the interim; should both nostrils be obstructed by polypi or catarrh, the patient will inhale through the mouth, in which case he holds the mouth of the vial between the lips; for small children we hold the vial close, first to one then the other nostril during sleep, feeling assured of the result.
This inhalation of the medicinal emanation coming in contact with the nerves of the walls of the roomy cavities through which it passes unhindered effects the life forces so curatively in the mildest and most forceful manner that it is far preferable to the mode of giving the substance by the mouth. Everything that can be cured by Homoeopathy, and, surgery aside, what can she not cure, the most chronic diseases, if not altogether spoiled by Allopathy, as well as the acute sicknesses, will be most safely and surely cured by this inhalation.
For more than a year among the numerous sick that have sought help from me and my assistants, I can scarcely name one in a hundred whose ailment, be it acute or chronic, that we have not treated with the desired success, simply by such inhalations; in the latter half of this year I have come to the conclusion, heretofore incredible, that this mode of inhalation of the medici¬nal dynamis exercises at least a degree of power on the patient equal to that when the medicinal dose is given by the mouth; at the same time it is much quieter, and just as long, therefore, the time of repetition of the inhalations cannot be shorter than when the material of the dose is taken by the mouth.

Köthen, im Mai 1833
Samuel Hahnemann
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Re: Первый полноценный реперториум Бённингаузена

Сообщение Д.А.Иванов-Вызго » Пн сен 17, 2012 9:04 pm

Коллеги и друзья! Пользуясь случаем, поздравляю всех, кто пользуется реперториумами со 180-летним юбилеем этого жанра гомеопатической литературы!

Борис Вячеславович, огромное спасибо Вам за помощь в публикации!
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Зарегистрирован: Вс апр 01, 2012 9:27 pm
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